

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Maintaining Your Business Image on Facebook

I decided to do a few business related posts. Hopefully someone will benefit from my advice. Please let me know if you do!!!

I admin for a page called Hike Those Likes America. And on HTLA, we do our best to try to help others promote their pages and be seen. A lot of hikers (as we call the participants on there) are concerned about increasing how many “likes” they get on their page instead of networking with other hikers. Please keep in mind, LIKES will not get you sales. You can have 50,000 likes and never sell a thing. You can have 500 and sell every day. Likes are merely folks who click on a button. Some of them may actually follow your page, a large portion of them will not. The key is to be SEEN. And how do you do that? You do that by participating in our hikes and by commenting on statuses and pictures of others, as well as by sharing your page (part of what is known as your business brand) on your personal profile as well as on HTLA.

Every business that exists has something called a business image. A business image is not something invented by a public relations firm: It's a reflection of what you do and how you do it. Marketing your business brand means running a first-rate business and letting people know about it. Every action your company takes sends a marketing message. ( Remember to be courteous when you are posting or leaving comments on your business page. And your personal page as well, for that matter. You never know who will put two and two together and come up with your business. If you honestly have a problem with something or someone or don’t like a product, post or comment, please take those things into a private message with the page owner or fan. Whenever you post something, fans take that into account of your business image. You can have amazing products, great prices and share everywhere possible. But from personal experience I can tell you that just ONE wrong comment (sarcasm or joking gone wrong, expressing anger, etc) can RUIN your image.

Another thing that can ruin your business image is the way that you present yourself on other pages. If you wouldn’t want another page doing something to you, don’t do it to them. An example of this I have seen recently: Tagging a business page on another business’s photo with the note “I make/do something similar”. How mad would you be if someone did this to you? I know I would be LIVID!! That’s like going to a craft fair, setting up your booth next to someone who makes similar products and then telling all of their customer, “Come over here and get it cheaper/better/in more options/etc.” If a customer sees someone tag their business on another business’s photo, or acting like that at an in-person event, it can potentially be FATAL to that person’s business. Many customers see it as underhanded and disrespectful. And we all know that the participants on HTLA are neither of those things!!!

We are a loving, sharing community that HELPS others in a non-selfish way! That’s why we suggest that you do NOT tag your page on posts by another page when you are hiking. Leave a comment of niceness on their posts and wares, and then tag your page on the WALL. I am not trying to tell anyone how to run their business! Only to think before you post!!! These tips go for sites other than Facebook as well: websites, blogs, etc!!!!


  1. I like this a lot. It's all about sharing and participating in the process. Totally Agreed. Thanks for sharing.

    (Stopped by from UBC - Day 15 2014 - Late entry but still following the protocol)

  2. Thank you for stopping by! There seem to be a lot of people that forget that their personal and professional lives are intertwined more now because of the internet. And also, being behind a computer, it is easier to get more comfortable and do things in too casual of a manner. :( I'm glad that you enjoyed the article!!!!
