So one of the things I LOVE to do is answer questions. If I think that my answer will help or inspire others, then I love it even more. So I have found some questions today that I hope will allow me to answer in a way that will help or inspire at least one person today. I would love to know in the comments if I was successful!
Did you get into trouble when you were younger? What was the worst thing you did? Of course I did. What kid DOESN'T get into trouble? The worst thing that I did when I was under 18 was deciding to skip school and go steal stuff with a couple friends. We got caught. Cops were involved. My mother got involved. L The second worst thing I did was when I was 19 and that was being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Took a friend to the mall with me to turn in applications and she decided to start shoplifting. Now remember, I had gotten caught for that once already and wasn't dumb enough to do it again. Anyway, I had asked her to carry my bag at one point (I was into the whole messenger bag craze and it had gotten heavy). What I DIDN'T know was that she had been stealing things and putting them in my bag while she had it. Security at one of the stores saw her on the cameras and stopped us after we left the store. Since there was stolen merchandise in my bag, I went down with her. Since I couldn't prove that I hadn't been stealing anything, I got the same charge she did: Class A Misdemeanor for Criminal Conversion (which, oddly enough, is just a fancy way of saying borrowing WITH intent to return but WITHOUT the owner’s knowledge… Is anyone else as confused as I am?). This happened back in 2008. I am STILL paying the price for that mistake, 6 years later. L Moral of the story: Pick your friends wisely. You ARE guilty by association. And criminal records really DO cause you problems in the real world.
If you could do anything now, what would you do? Why? I wouldn't have a traditional 9 to 5 job, that’s for sure. If I had the financial stability to do anything I wanted, I would start a farm. Raise my own food: cattle for beef and milk, pigs for meat, chickens for meat and eggs, goats for milk, rabbits for meat and of course all of them for fertilizer. Raise horses to do the labor instead of machinery and also to generate a second income (as I would with all of the animals). Use the fertilizer on my garden so that I could grow my own vegetables and some fruits, as well as on the fields were I would grow feed for the animals as well as grains for the humans so that we could make our own bread and such. I would hope to have a wooded area so that we could supplement our diets with wild plants and wildlife, as well as a source of fresh water (such as a lake/pond/stream/etc) so that we could also include fish, turtle, and anything else we could find into our diets. I would live in a log cabin and do as much of our own labor as possible. No buying furniture from commercial stores, I’d learn to make it. No big shopping trips because I would learn how to sew my own clothes and necessary cloth items, we’d be growing our own food so no grocery trips, I would like to have some form of alternative energy and heat (solar/wind/water/etc) so no big expensive electronics. We wouldn't have a whole lot of money, but that’s okay. We wouldn't have to rely on an outside job, so my criminal record wouldn't be AS much of a problem. And we wouldn't have to worry about keeping up with the Jones'. Not that I have ever met those people, but from what I've heard, they have EVERYTHING! J I don’t need everything. I just need my family.
What are your dreams for your children? My dreams for my children are pretty simple, really. I hope that they will find happiness, be successful according to their own standards, and appreciate the value of a dollar as well as the value of family and hard work. I hope that they will appreciate the things that come easily and appreciate the things that come with more difficultly even more. I hope that they will fall in love (be it with someone of the same sex, different sex, same age range, significant age difference, doesn't matter as long as they are happy). I hope that they will excel at least at one thing. Hopefully, it is a good thing and not something illegal or harmful.
Hi, I suppose we all make mistakes when young. I think my worse was pinching all the jewelry of my step mother (well, she was horrible) when I was around 13 o 14 and I gave it to someone who was older and my "friend", 30 years later we met again, as I had moved to England from native Argentina, and he confessed that he sold it and bought a hi-fi and other goodies.
ReplyDeleteThe second bad thing was to do with religion I think I was about 8 when I took my First Communion (Catholic) and the nuns went on and on about us having to confess the day before and take the communion, so I did confess but I committed a sin, probably pinched something from my step-mother purse to see if something would happen. Nothing happened. No wonder with the nuns and my step mother who was such a practising Catholic, I left all that when I was 16. Now I believe in doing the best I can for everyone and do not follow any organized religion.
I love your dreams of self-sufficiency and I would love that. I always used to say that if I won the lottery I would do degree after degree lol
Happy New Year to you and wish all your dreams come true
I am not condoning your actions. LOL But I can definitely understand why you would do as you did. I also had many "friends" that did things like that to me. I was also always testing things, so if I had ever done a communion, I could foresee myself doing that as well, just to see what would happen.
DeleteI have always wanted to buy a huge piece of land and move families set on self-sufficiency there. Start our own little self-sufficient town modeled after the old west. Unfortunately, I think the US Government would then consider it a Cult and find some way to ruin it for us. :(
Happy New Year to you as well and maybe one day you will win the lottery and be able to follow your dream as well. :)
I like the approach you took to ask questions and provide a window into your life. Your simple, yet solid wishes for your kids are great too. Your site is quiet stylish! I wish you the very best in raising your kids- there is no more important job!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I was not sure if I really wanted to get so personal, but since one of my earlier posts was about being a stripper, I guess I kinda blew that door wide open. No more secrets from here on in.
DeleteI am glad that you like the site. My fiance loves clovers and when I saw the background, I just couldn't resist. It also helps because my favorite color is green. :)
I like the colors too, but this font is completely unreadable.
ReplyDeleteI will look into modifying it. I usually don't use this font, but my computer was being stupid earlier and if I used my normal font, then it changed the background to white around the text. :(
DeleteIs this any better? I keep playing with different combinations.
DeleteHi Traci, sorry, it's taken me a while to come visit you. The last few days in E before I have to leave for C are always too busy. :( But here I am to get to know you. Had to laugh about your first answer. Oh rotten, rotten friend! Oddly, I think I may have been the one kid who never got into trouble and that was mainly because I figure skated for 14 years. Like really skated! On the ice before school, after school, weekends...etc. Also, because we kept moving from Canada, thru Europe, back etc, I never really stayed anywhere long enough to get into trouble. But, at least i'm making up for it
ReplyDeleteThat organic farm is also on my wish list and I'm trying to figure out how I can have some urban chickens in both houses while actually not being around for months at a time. Hmm...if you have any ideas please let me know.
Big hugs, and see you soon. :)
I wish I had been good at skating. I seem to fall on my face unless I have wheels under me. LOL I love to inline skate though. I have never been out of the USA, so I am amazed that you have moved all over.
DeleteThe only way I know of that you could have chickens (without asking others to take care of them while you're gone) would be to invest in carriers. I know they make transport cages. Move them with you. :) Just make sure that you have both houses set up with enclosures, housing, and all the necessities BEFORE you buy the birds!
I hope that your move goes well and I look forward to getting to know you better!