

Friday, January 10, 2014

Top 5 Favorite Blogs

Today I have decided to share some of my favorite blogs. I have included links to a few posts from each blog as well as the main web address. They’re kind of an eclectic mix, but I hope that you learn to enjoy them as much as I do!

1. The Prairie Homestead (
I absolutely LOVE this blog! I was born in the wrong era. Instead of being born in the 1980’s I should have been born in the 1780’s. I love doing things the old way. I am so against the convenience trends of today that it isn’t funny, but more on that another day. This site lives up to their tag line, “Cultivating old-fashioned skills in a modern world”. The woman that runs this page lives on a homestead herself, so she knows what she’s talking about. And she’s not trying to get everyone to move to the country, either. She’s really big on stressing the fact that you can homestead wherever you are, be it in a 3rd floor apartment or a 4 bedroom house on Main Street or a farm out in the middle of nowhere. She lays this out in her own words in her Start Here! post. She touches on some skills that she thinks are important to learn, such as knowing how to clean, dress, stitch/staple a wound in the event of an emergency, learn how to cut, bale, and stack hay (this is an AMAZING workout, for all you fitness minded folks out there!), grow a windowsill herb garden, and many, many more.

2. Michelle Shaeffer (
I love this blog because of the useful information that she shares. As the tagline says, “Where smart entrepreneurs learn to blog for business”. She includes posts on how to start a blog, serious business bloggers, increasing blog traffic, getting your blog noticed, and how to make money with your blog. When you are a business blogger, all of these things come in handy! And even for those like me, the one whose blog is not connected to a business, her tips and tricks are still really useful! I personally love the post on blog colors and if you are designing ANYTHING, be it a website, a room, a letterhead, anything with colors, I would highly suggest that you check out this post! And for those of you with a blog of your own, I would highly recommend checking out 5 1/2 Reasons to Jump Into the Ultimate Blog Challenge. If you haven’t heard of the Ultimate Blog Challenge before, you can find information on it here.

3. Veronica Roth (
I just recently found this blog, but I love to read through it. I especially love that I have became friends with the author. We have similar tastes and this definitely comes in handy. The post that introduced me to Miss Veronica was Shopping for prezzies for the Clover. I have never been on a virtual tour of a thrift shop before, but I absolutely loved it! J Upon further exploration of the site, I found quite a few picture tours, which I am also absolutely in love with! I am terrified of planes and boats, so I can’t go visit many places outside of the US. And honestly, I don’t have the money to visit places inside the US. So picture tours definitely rank right up there on my list of favorite things to read. J

4. New Life on a Homestead (
This is another homesteading site. In case you hadn’t figured it out, this is a big interest of mine! I love this blog for all of the helpful hints that they have included, as well as just the common sense things. When is the best time to clean so that you can start over with a clean slate? Not in the middle of Spring, but at the New Year. Even if you do not set resolutions, it is still a good idea to set goals. I also love that she teamed up with Jill from The Prairie Homestead, to create Barn Hop Mondays. Here is their message: “Have you written anything “homesteading” on your blog recently? If so, we’d love to have you link up below! Even if you don’t have a blog, we always welcome your comments!” They have dedicated Mondays as the day to network homesteading related posts into one place. It makes it very easy then to navigate through and find many different blogs on the same topics.

5. The Humbled Homemaker (
This is another one that is similar in content. “Grace-Filled, Natural Living”. The post that caught my eye was about not being able to afford Organic food but wanting to feed your family in a healthy manner. Her no –nonsense, no excuses, straight to the point form of writing caught and took hold. I loved how she tells it just like it is. Yes Organic is healthier. But when you’re struggling for money, you can’t afford to pay double for food just because it was grown all natural. I was lucky enough to find a post that compiled 10 of her posts from 2013, so you get a little bonus with this one. J I hope that you will take the time to check them out!! I’ve also included one of her recipe posts, in the hopes that I can whet your appetite enough to check out the rest of them!

Well there you have it. My Top 5 Favorite Blogs! I hope that you will take the time to surf through each one and if you find something you like, be sure to let the author know who sent you! If you like what you see, please come back and tell me! I love knowing when I can help others connect!

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